August Article
N/A, 12:00 AM

“Beware of no man more than of yourself; we carry our worst enemies with us.”  

                                                          Charles H. Spurgeon


As we close out our sermon series on Colossians and begin the month of August, this quote from Charles Spurgeon came to my mind.  In the same way that the church in Colossae allowed a false philosophy to enter into their church, our own choices often prove to be our biggest obstacles in life.  As my father used to be fond of saying, “Don’t shoot yourself in the foot.”  This advice is just as true for our theological beliefs as it is for our daily living.  We have the great blessing of God’s instruction through the Bible.  The worst thing we can do is “shoot ourselves in the foot” and make our life more difficult by not trusting in His Word and guidance. 


I have had many conversations with parents in recent weeks about their children entering school this fall.  These faithful believers include parents of preschool children, all the way up to parents of college kids.  There is uncertainty about some of the policies being made by the administrations of these schools.  My advice is the same; trust God and make the best decision that you can.  Too often we feel like we must make decisions on our own with no guidance.  Friends, there is no greater source of guidance than God’s Word. 


It is a blessing to serve with you,

Pastor Lance